This is what camp literally looks like with camp in session.
Kids are in their assigned campsites, social distancing to 10-yards
we reserve the right to take temperatures, and to ask anyone showing symptoms to leave at our sole discretion
we will provide hand sanitizer, Lysol spray and alcohol wipes as needed or requested
Masks required at all times for everyone
No exceptions
10 yard social distance everyone at all times!
everyone is responsible for keeping 10 yards away from eveyone else
includes all campers coaches, parents etc
exception: same households
Camp is 100% outside.
Clubhouse is closed. Staff only. social shade avail ;)
All equipment is disinfected between uses
all clubs balls chairs, shag bags, ball tubes
touch it? spray it! we use cdc approved Lysol spray
No sharing food, equipment, toys... NOTHING!
household exception
We can not guarantee anything to anyone about being exposed or infected. We do know the virus is spreading in this community. Obviously no one can guarantee you will not get a case of it. Be aware of the risks; follow the science. Wash hands, wear a mask practice social distancing, stay home if your sick. We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone at our sole discretion.
UPDATE 4/1/2022
The protocols for summer camps continue changing daily
AS ALWAYS at Golf Camp, I will be extremely conservative about my approach to safety. It will be up to all of us to follow the science and STRICTLY adhere to all social distancing guidelines and laws to stay safe. My rules and guidelines are STRICTER than the local, state, and national health organizations. I get that. But if you want to do business here, thia is the way it is going to be. I cannot be part of the problem. Thank you for understanding. To that end, below are MY house rules for all lessons and camps. Please read all the way through carefully so you can meet YOUR responsibilities to help keep Mr. Peter's Golf Camp safe for everyone who comes in. - Coach Peter
UPDATE 6/5/2021
The protocols for summer camps are literally changing daily
AS ALWAYS at Golf Camp, I will be extremely conservative about my approach to safety. It will be up to all of us to follow the science and STRICTLY adhere to all social distancing guidelines and laws to stay safe. My rules and guidelines are STRICTER than the local, state, and national health organizations. I get that. But if you want to do business here, thia is the way it is going to be. I cannot be part of the problem. Thank you for understanding. To that end, below are MY house rules for all lessons and camps. Please read all the way through carefully so you can meet YOUR responsibilities to help keep Mr. Peter's Golf Camp safe for everyone who comes in. - Coach Peter
UPDATE 6/1/2021
The science is telling us we have some great advantages being outside 100% of the time. The Adult staff at golf camp is 100% vaccinated. We will still be wearing masks, and following Covid protocols for summer camps as advised by the CDC, and the state of California. The youngest among us are not eligible to receive vaccines. These kids are in camp every week all summer. Therefore: EVERYONE must wear masks at all times. Including anyone coming in to pick up or drop off.
update 6/15/20
A note from Coach Peter on safety during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mr. Peter's Golf Camp has been cleared to re-open for business! KIDS SUMMER CAMPS start JUNE 8TH 2020 M-F 9a-12n.
AS ALWAYS at Golf Camp, I will be extremely conservative about my approach to safety. It will be up to all of us to follow the science and STRICTLY adhere to all social distancing guidelines and laws to stay safe. My rules and guidelines are STRICTER than the local, state, and national health organizations. I get that. But if you want to do business here, it has to be this way. I cannot be part of the problem. Thank you for understanding. To that end, below are MY house rules for all lessons and camps. Please read all the way through carefully so you can meet YOUR responsibilities to help keep Mr. Peter's Golf Camp safe for everyone who comes in. - Coach Peter
MR. PETER'S GOLF CAMP meets or exceed all directives published 6/4/20 in ORDER No. c19-5f (REVISED) OF THE HEALTH OFFICER OF THE COUNTY OF SAN MATEO as well as THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPT OF PUBLIC HEALTH COVID-19 INDUSTRY GUIDANCE for: DAY CAMPS Released 6/5/20. We also meet or exceed all rules and guidelines for businesses defined as 'summer camps', 'outdoor businesses' and 'extra businesses’ by the same organizations above.
Links to this entire communication, and summary copies of MY rules and guidelines are shared with students / parents before coming into camp. All rules are posted at the entrance to golf camp. During all lessons, adults, kids, family, or groups must adhere to these rules at all times
Our written plan:
All instructors, students, guests, parents, staff, EVERYONE MUST:
-Be healthy, showing no symptoms. Temp check at the door! If you or anyone you've been exposed to shows any symptoms, stay home! Consult your doctor! Test- track-trace-quarantine!
If anyone who has attended golf camp gets sick, we will communicate with all recent attendees and local hearth officials, and shut down until we can confirm with SMPHD that we have taken all steps necessary to safely re-open. (sanitize, quarantine, test, trace etc.)
Copies of these rules are shared with parents who are asked to review them with their kids. At the front door screening station we have touch-less thermometer, masks & gloves, along with alcohol wipes, hand sanitizer and CDC approved Lysol spray for anyone who needs them. We have posted CDC recommendations on how to protect yourself against Covid-19 and how to protect others along with all the risks; all posted at the entry of Golf Camp (see pictured)
-EVERYONE MUST wear a mask at all times.
-Please wash hands when entering with provided soap and water/hand sanitizer.
-Everyone who enters agrees to adhere to all rules and shares in the responsibility to Stay 10 YARDS + away from instructors and ALL others not in your household; you see someone coming across your "personal space" you've got to move to maintain it! Cones, ropes and instructors will define all areas, and that will help, but YOU are responsible for being aware and maintaining the required 10 YARDS (30 feet) distance between yourself and everyone else who is not in your household.
-Kids are assigned "campsites". They get a shade solution, chair, two flags two hula hoops 1 shag bag or ball tube clubs a driver a chipper and a putter.
-YOU MAY NOT SHARE ANYTHING WITH ANYONE ELSE AT ALL (outside of same house hold). You use the equipment assigned to you.
-You must stay in your campsite 100% of the time unless you directed to one of the four stations where you'll be learning putting chipping driving etc. The stations are measured off and defined by cones. You must stay in your station unless directed otherwise. All stations are at LEAST 10 YARDS APART!
-All house clubs, balls and pick up tubes/bags, chairs, (anything that is touched by a student that might be touched again) will be disinfected between uses.
- The only time we're touching golf balls is when we’re using drivers and teeing them up. When we do use drivers and we pick up all the balls, they then become 'community balls', and they are sprayed down before they're touched again.
-We have no "common areas", therefore no high traffic areas that need to be 'regularly disinfected'
-Camp is held 100% outside. No one is allowed in the golf camp clubhouse, sorry. Staff ONLY.
-All staff have been trained to help maintain social distancing as well all other rules and guidelines.
-No hugs, handshakes or hi 5's YET! Maintain 10-yard separation at all times (outside of household).
While we do offer "camps" we are NOT a "day care" nor are we a traditional "summer camp" . We offer GROUP GOLF LESSONS. The advantage of being defined as a 'day care' is that social distancing and masks are not required. That is absolutely NOT who we are or what we are doing!!
Things can change quickly these days. We regularly monitor info from local, state and federal health agencies for new orders guidelines and information. All my restrictions and guidelines are subject to change too.
Thank you for your understanding. We appreciate your efforts to keep Mr. Peter's Golf Camp safe for everyone who comes in.
All updates to this announcement can be found at
Coach Peter
Valid as of 6/15/20