8+ Years-
"5 days to the course!"
10 day Pass! 8 yrs +
Save Money with a flexible Pass
use wherever it's convenient
any weekend day Sat or Sun 10a-12 noon*
Be sure to call ahead and reserve the day you want. terms are subject to change without notice!
Coach Peter: 415-902-3003

One Day Intro to Golf Camp 8 yrs +
GOLF CAMP for 8+ years is just $65. Good any Saturday or Sunday from 10a-12n**
Be sure to call ahead and reserve the day you want. Tiems are subject to change without notice!
Coach Peter: 415-902-3003
5day Pass! 8 yrs +
Save Money with a flexible Pass
use whenever it's convenient
any weekend day Sat or Sun 10a-12 noon*
Be sure to call ahead and reserve the day you want. Terms are subject to change without notice!
Coach Peter: 415-902-3003


Mr Peter
For Special